Friday 2 March 2012

Photo of the Year

Getting back into the topic of skiing and snowboarding, I stumbled across a photo from the 2012 winter season. The photo initially caught my eye and intrigued me to click on it. Initially realizing the scenic aspect of the photo, I then realized the skier in the air on the bottom left hand side of the photo. Skier Sammy Carlson is responsible for hitting the backcountry booter (jump) and the photo was snapped by Darcy Bacha.

The world of skiing and snowboarding continues to progress, as does the photography it comes with. Its blows my mind as to how much progression can come from one sport and what types of art can be associated with it. With high quality cameras and the perfect setup, we are able to see the most stunning shots highlighting both athletic and artistic talent.

Friday 24 February 2012


As school slowly winds down and as I approach my 6 week placement, anticipation and nervousness has started to set in. Upon graduating this year, I am eligible to obtain my Business Degree in 1.5 semesters. Now to some, that sounds all well and good as Laurentian offers a 1.5-year degree program here at St. Lawrence College. I however, am thinking of University on a slightly different level. It is in my greatest ambitions to attend Griffith University in the Gold Coat of Australia.

If I do end up making my Australia work out according to plan, I will be leaving January of 2013 (which is less than a year away). It is crazy to think that one year from right now, I will be surfing, studying and all together living on the other side of the world. The idea of adapting to a new culture fascinates me, and I look forward to travelling a new continent. As I begin my application process, I start fantasizing about laying on a beach surfing and enjoying the sun. Who knows, maybe I will be able to blog from the beach? That would certainly be a bit different from todays snow and -5 degree weather.

Friday 17 February 2012

Mercedes F-CELL

It is safe to say that guerilla marketing has become a new successful way to market a brand or product. In the following video, we can see how the use of guerilla marketing can impact an audience much greater than traditional means of marketing.

Mercedes Benz is able to take a new product that focuses on being emission free, and use a creative spin on advertising. They show by making the car “invisible” how the F-CELL is completely emission free. By turning their car into a moving billboard, they are able to create noticeable impressions and also engage their consumer; those dancing and making faces in the camera. I personally find this to be a fantastic form of marketing that opens eyes to the upcoming trend of marketing.

Friday 10 February 2012


I think by now, the concept of traditional marketing has drastically been overshadowed by other means of marketing. One specific example that relates to the world of snowboarding is the brand “Lobster Snowboards”. Brothers, and professional snowboarders, Halldor Helgason and Eiki Helgason, founded lobster Snowboards. The company has never seen a commercial, nowhere has a billboard been seen and there is certainly no radio advertising present. Halldor and Eiki use their success as snowboarders to market themselves. On their blog, they promote both their snowboarding skill and brand through the use of video and written text.

One example that stands out, is from winter x games 2010 when Halldor Helgason wins big air. Upon his interview, Halldor has written on his face, a clever way to promote your blog.

It is safe to say that without the largest means of an advertising budget, the Helgasons have been able to obtain success through the use of social media. Their brand is being sold across the country from board shop to board shop. The Helgasons show that with a bit of skill, luck, hard work, humor and a whole lot of social media, you can be successful when launching a product.

Friday 27 January 2012

An Innovative Brand.

In this blog post I will highlight my favorite brand and marketing tactics that have lead them to the top of their market.

Yes the video is old but it still shows how the brand is able to put themselves above all other market competition; not only by doing something no one else has done, but by using one of the most successful snowboarders today, Shaun White.

This video shows how the originality of the brand can help excel the sport of both snowboarding and freestyle skiing. This video again, shows a top athlete in his sport (Simon Dumont) doing something never done or supported by another brand.

And finally, this years up and comer to the world of snowboarding. While sticking with the trend, this brand sponsors yet another top snowboarder (Travis Rice) to help emphasize the innovation and progression of both snowboarding and the brand themselves.

Clearly, the brand that I am talking about is Red Bull.

Based on these three videos, you are able to see as to why I love Red Bull so much; they keep pushing the sport to a new level, they sponsor the best athletes and provide unseen and unimaginable ideas to the world of extreme skiing and snowboarding. The best part about Red Bull though, is that they push the envelope with every extreme sport imaginable: F1, racing, ski, skate, surf, snowboarding, moto, bmx, mtb, wake, music, art, 1080p, 1000fps and much more. It is in my mind, that Red Bull is a brand that reaches its target market perfectly while providing something to its consumer that no other brand in its market does.

I suppose Red Bull could have put up a few hundred billboards or released a new radio campaign, but in my opinion, they have found an original and innovative way to connect with their target audience.

Friday 20 January 2012

My First Post, Ever.

So I guess this is blogging eh?

I can honestly say that this is my first personal blog and blog post that actually serves relevance to me. I can start out by introducing myself, and work towards something a bit more interesting (in my mind anyways).

Without pointing out the obvious, my name is Cody Skrzypkowski and I am currently a 3rd year Advertising and Integrated Marketing student at St. Lawrence College, or as me and my friends like to call it, #St.Larrys. The world of marketing and advertising holds great interest with me, as it is so unpredictable: meaning adaptation is crucial. The concept of making someone relate to your brand, have interest in your brand and want your brand fascinates me. With further interest in sales and event marketing, you could say I’m the full package (or is that too cocky a remark?).

While currently working as a server at the Keg Steakhouse and Bar, I’ve been able to further advance my already strong interpersonal skills (still too cocky?). My job allows me to get to know all personality types, from laid back and casual to eccentric and loud. Going to work lets me know how to cope with different people, in different circumstances everyday; fellow Keggers included. These are skills I would someday like to see put into full effect when in the world of marketing and sales.

I have a passion for snowboarding (as you will soon find out), I am obsessed with music (just ask my friends), I like to cook and enjoy looking good from time to time. I am obsessed with You Tube (again, ask my friends), which contributes to 99% of my procrastinating. I have a great aspiration to travel, which in the upcoming years will hopefully take me around the world and back.

So I guess that’s it…my first blog post, which to be honest wasn’t all that bad. Keep updated on my blog for more info about me, my interests and to see something cool from time to time.